Hope Children’s Center Preschool
- We are a nonprofit organization supported by tuition only.
- We operate on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin.
- We are licensed for children ages 3 to 5 years old by the state of California, Department of Social Services.
- All our staff are trained in Early Childhood Education and meet or exceed State licensing requirements. They are also kept abreast of new laws and other information pertaining to the field through workshops and in-service training.
- All our staff are Christians who are sensitive to the needs of children and have a genuine concern for your child.
As a church preschool, our aim is that of the Church, and is designed to help children and families grow in their knowledge and love of God in Jesus Christ. It is our desire to provide for your child a Christian atmosphere with a loving, concerned and competent staff.
Recognizing children learn mostly through their hands-on experiences, we have carefully planned a well-balanced program that will help your children learn through all their senses; hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting. We will encourage and guide your children in developing their language and social skills, self expression, creativity, independence, hand-eye coordination, large and small motor skills, and good personal and health habits throughout the day.
Our goal is to help your child grow and develop as a whole person; emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually. We will strive to aid parents in the understanding of age-appropriate curriculum and guiding their children’s development.
- Pre-reading skills will be developed through the day’s activities including stories, music, and dramatic play.
- Basic skills such as number/letter recognition, colors, shapes, sizes, etc., will be presented as the child is ready through art, Playdough, blocks, puzzles, etc.
- Small motor skills will be enhanced through manipulative toys, puzzles, and child safe scissors.
- Large motor skills will be developed through outdoor play, running, jumping, wheel toys, and creative movement to music.
- Pre-K classes are introduced to phonics and math skills through art, cooking, science, and other hands-on activities.
- Age-appropriate Christian concepts such as love, kindness, sharing, and Jesus is God’s son will be presented through stories, music, and crafts.
Lunch and Snacks
Children bring their lunch from home. A nutritious morning snack is provided by the school.
Enrollment is open to all children in the community ages 3 through 5 years old who are fully potty trained. A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 is required to enroll your child in the center. All necessary forms will be given at that time. If you have questions or need more information, please call us at 951-694-3607.
2023/2024 Tuition
Referral Program
Have you heard about our referral program? When you refer Hope Children’s Center to a family and they choose us, we will give you a $100.00 Tuition Credit. For more information please see Ms. Paulina in the school office.
To get information on pricing, please come in and talk with our director Paulina.
9:00am – 12:00 noon Yearly Tuition: $4,590.00
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments of $459.00/mo
Payable August 1 through May 1
9:00am – 2:00pm Yearly Tuition: $5,450.00
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments of $545.00/mo
Payable August 1 through May 1
9:00am – 12:00 noon Yearly Tuition: $3,390.00
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments of $339.00/mo
Payable August 1 through May 1
9:00am – 2:00pm Yearly Tuition: $3,910.00
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments of $391.00/mo
Payable August 1 through May 1
Preschool Registration Fee $50.00 for first year
Preschool Re-enrollment Fee $25.00 per year
5 Days Per Week
9:00am – 12 noon ~ $678.00/mo
9:00am – 2:00pm ~ $714.00/mo
– 10% discount is offered for a second child.